I worked in a corporate environment in the financial services industry for over 20 years. I was a typical sheep working 9 to 5 and slugging it downtown by train every day. I don’t begrudge it because I gained a lot of valuable experience while being able to live my life.
As luck would have it, I lost my job which turned my world upside down. I didn’t see it coming and was knocked off my feet. I immediately began looking for my next job while wondering where I would land and what I would be doing.
I took on contract roles because of the flexibility it awarded. I realized that there must be more to life than working in a job that I was not enjoying. I started soul searching as to what I would want to do and struggled with this realization.
With a blank piece of paper before me I stressed to find things that appealed to me if money was no object. After many hours of staring at the empty page I jotted down three things. Writing, photography, and travel. This led me to blogging about my travels. I posted photos of my many travels while writing little recaps about the many places I had been and my experiences. I loved the creativity I was able to express and soon realized that I loved to write.
I posted pieces of my writing on Facebook and someone who I had worked with many years ago reached out to me to ask if I would write her mother’s story. I was totally taken aback because I had never thought about this type of legacy writing. Her mother had passed away and her father who lives in Nova Scotia was having a difficult time with the passing of his wife and soul mate. I agreed to take on this project to push myself to see what I could do.
After many phone calls with her father (Baljit) and many boxes of tissue to dry my tears, I was wracked with emotion as he unburdened his heart to me. He told me about his wife from the day they met, their challenges and triumphs and what she meant to him. I took notes and wrote her story. Her name was Satya, and she became a part of me. He sent me photographs of her from a young girl until she passed away, and I placed them into the story. I found this to be so intense and extremely fulfilling.
Baljit asked me to print 25 copies of the book, one for each child, grandchild, and close friends. He then flew into to Toronto and paid me a visit at my home with a huge bouquet of flowers. He sat in my living room and wept. He said, “You didn’t just write my wife’s story, you brought my wife back to me.” Those words shook me to the core, and at that moment I realized that this is what I wanted to do. I recognized the impact that it would have on families to have their memories last forever, and to commemorate the person who had touched their lives. What a lovely way for Satya’s grandchildren to get to know their grandmother.
They say that when you put things out in the universe the stars align to make things happen. Coincidentally, I met someone who introduced me to a website designer and business consultant. Soon I had a website, logo, and a platform to launch my newfound passion. Memory Bloom was born!
I drew from my arsenal and my experience in the corporate world and added business writing to my list of services. I enjoy the diversity of writing for people and businesses.
As the saying goes, “find something you love, and you will never work a day in your life.” I love working my passion!
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